Prisoner Rights - Books and Newsletters

  •                     Prisoner Rights Books and Newsletters


    National Lawyers Guild, National Office
    132 Nassau Street, 9th Floor, New York, NY 10038
    Membership organization of progressive lawyers.
    Copublisher of this Handbook.

    Partnership for Safety and Justice – Prison Program
    825 N.E. 20th Ave., #250, Portland, OR 97232
    Produces a Prisoner Support Directory, advocates for
    programs for prisoners, visitors’ rights, and against
    legislation that erodes the human rights of people in

    Peter Cicchino Youth Project of the Urban Justice
    Center (only for lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender
    youth age 24 or under)
    123 William Street 16th Floor, New York, NY, 10038
    English, Spanish

    Prison Activist Resource Center
    PO Box 70447, Oakland, CA 94612
    Clearinghouse for information and resources on organizing
    for prisoners rights, prison issues, anti-racism. Produce a
    free directory / resource packet for people in prison.

    Prison Law Office - San Quentin
    General Delivery, San Quentin CA 94964
    Legal services and resources in California for individual
    prisoners and class actions. Publishers of The California

    State Prisoners Handbook: A Comprehensive Guide to
    Prison and Parole Law

    Prisoner Self Help Legal Clinic
    Very good self-help legal kits on a variety of issues,
    available only electronically at

    Southern Center for Human Rights
    83 Poplar St. NW Atlanta, GA, 30303-2122
    Provides legal representation to people facing the death
    penalty, challenges human rights violations in prisons and
    jails. Legal resources are available.

    Southern Poverty Law Center
    P.O. Box 548 Montgomery AL 36101
    Legal resources and publications, including Prisoner
    Diabetes Handbook and Protecting Your Health and
    Safety: Prisoners Rights. Also files class-action suits
    around prison conditions.

    Sylvia Rivera Law Project (only for low income people
    and people of color who are trans, intersex, or gender
    322 8th Ave., 3rd Floor, New York, NY 10001
    English, Spanish, Hindi

    TGI Justice Project (only for transgender, gender
    variant, and intersex people)
    c/o Alexander Lee, Attorney at Law
    342 9th St., 202B, San Francisco, CA 94103

    Transformative Justice Law Project of Illinois (only for
    trans and gender variant people)
    2040 N. Milwaukee Ave., Chicago, IL 60647


    The Nation
    33 Irving Place, New York, NY 10003
    Highly acclaimed national progressive publication. Best if contacted through if you have a friend on the outside. Send poetry submissions to the address above.


    Prisoners’ Rights Books and Newsletters

    A list of printed publications and books that you can order for further assistance. Please note that prices
    may change on many of the publications. Before you send money, please verify the address and price with the organization.

    Federal Rules of Civil Procedure with forms - $21.00

    Federal Rules of Appellate Procedure with forms - $8.00

    If convicted of a federal crime, you can request the Federal Rules of Criminal Procedure for $11.00 and the
    Federal Rules of Evidence for $8.00. These books will not assist state prisoners.

    All prices include postage.

    Write to:
    U.S. Government Printing Office
    P.O. Box 979050, St. Louis, MO 63197-9000

    (Check or money order payable to “Superintendent of


    􀂉 The Bluebook: A Uniform System of Citation. 
    Write to: 
    Attn Business Office, Bluebook Orders, 
    Harvard Law Review Association, 
    Gannett House, 
    1511Massachusetts Ave., 
    Cambridge, MA 02138.

    Cost is $32.00 plus shipping.

    􀂉 Brief Writing and Oral Argument, 9th edition. Guidance on preparing effective oral and written arguments, especially relating to the Courts of Appeals. 

    Send $50.50 and order to: 
    Oxford University Press, 
    2001 Evans Road, 
    Cary, NC 27513

    􀂉 Columbia University Jailhouse Lawyers Manual is an excellent resource, updated every two years. Highly recommended, especially if you are incarcerated in New York state. Please refer to the full page order form at the end of this handbook.

    􀂉 Constitutional Rights of Prisoners, 9th edition. Unfortunately, this is no longer available directly from the publisher, but family members can order through bookstores like

    􀂉 Cohen and Olson’s Legal Research in a Nutshell,
    8th Edition. West Publishing, 
    610 Opperman Drive,
    Eagan, MN 55123. 

    Cost is $33.00.

    􀂉 Fortune News. Newsletter from the Fortune Society, specifically for prisoners. The majority of the writers are prisoners / ex-prisoners. Free. 

    Write to: 
    The Fortune Societies, Attn: Fortune News Subscriptions,
    29-76 Northern Blvd, Long Island City, NY 11101.

    􀂉 Introduction to the Legal System of the United States. This publication will help you understand the principles of the U.S. legal system. Send $33.00 and order to: 

    Oxford University Press, 
    2001 Evans Road,
    Cary, NC 27513

    􀂉 Law Offices of Alan Ellis, PC. Attorney Alan Ellis has a number of publications available., including the Federal Prison Guidebook for $85.98 (CA residents add $6.52 sales tax). 

    To order the Guidebook, write to:

    James Publishing, Inc., 
    P.O. Box 25202, 
    Santa Ana, CA 92799-5202. 

    Many free resources available online at, if you have a friend on the outside to help.

    􀂉 Osborne Association – publishes Parenting from
    Inside/Out: The Voices of Mothers in Prison, $12.00.
    809 Westchester Ave., Bronx, NY 10455

    􀂉 The Prisoners’ Guide to Survival. A comprehensive legal assistance manual for post-conviction relief and prisoners’ civil rights. For prisoners, send $54.95 to:
    PSI Publishing, Inc., 
    413-B 19th Street, #168, 
    Lynden, WA 98264

    􀂉 Prison Legal News. A monthly newsletter. Highly recommended. The best source of the latest prison-related legal news. A 12 month subscription is $24. Send check and order to:
    P.O. Box 2420, 
    West Battleboro, VT 05303.

    􀂉 The Prisoners’ Assistance Directory is published by the American Civil Liberties Union Prison Project. It includes contact information and services descriptions for over 300 national, state, local and international organizations that provide assistance to prisoners, ex-offenders and families of prisoners. It also includes a bibliography of informative books, reports, manuals and newsletters of interest to prisoners and their advocates. Latest edition was updated in 2007. It can be downloaded for free at . They also publish a newsletter twice a year that is $2 for prisoners. Send a check or money order to:
    National Prison Project Publications, 
    915 15th St., NW, 
    7th Floor 
    Washington, DC 20005.


    􀂉 Prisoners Self-Help Litigation Manual, 4th Edition. Highly recommended. The Fourth Edition of this well-respected resource was published in 2010. It is a very detailed book on prisoners’ constitutional and federal rights, as well as information on how to file and proceed with a lawsuit. It includes lots of citations to relevant cases. Send $39.95 and order to: 
    Oxford University Press, 
    2001 Evans Road, 
    Cary, NC 27513

    􀂉 Protecting Your Health & Safety is a publication of the Southern Poverty Law Center, and explains the legal rights inmates have regarding health and safety – including the right to medical care and to be free from inhumane treatment. Send $16 and your request to:
    Protecting Your Health and Safety, 
    Prison Legal News, 
    P. O. Box 2420, 
    West Battleboro, VT 05303.

    􀂉 Women in Prison Health Packet. A health manual free for women prisoners. Send requests to: Oberlin Action Against Prisons, 
    P.O. Box 285 
    Oberlin, OH 44074.

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