Montana Probation Violations

This page is for Montana Probation Violations.  Email us at and let us know the reason and consequence of the violations.

Here are a couple of examples of how we would like the emails to look like.

Example 1) My wife, Jane Doe #(prison#) Montana Women's Prison.  She had a 5 year suspended sentence.  No violation for 4 1/2 years.  6 months before she is done, she was violated and revoked.  She was give ALL 5 years back and sent to MASC.  MASC sent her to prison.  - John Doe, Missoula, MT.

Example 2) My brother, Jack Doe #(prison#) asked his probation officer if he had to register at his own mother's house he visits every weekend.  His probation officer said no, just to tell him when he got home.  When my brother was revoked they used his not "registering" at our mother's house against him.  - James Doe, Great Falls, MT

2.  My buddy Josh asked his P.O. if he needed to "register" his mothers house that he goes to every weekend. His P.O. said "NO, tell me when you get back."  When Josh got violated drinking, his P.O. used also used his not registering his mothers house against him to send him to prison.           Red Lodge

1.  My boyfriend Shane M. was given a 3 year deferred sentence with no stipulations.  His P.O. tried to revoke him, but could not because there were not stipulations.  So at another hearing she managed to get the sentence changed to include stipulations,( no drinking, driving ...ect.) She violated him for having a bank account, buying a car and driving it. The Court then revoked his 3 year differed sentence and gave him 5 years in prison.   How can they give you more time than originally  handed out???

Please keep emails short.  Anything over 150 words may not be published or shortened by staff.  Also, please put "Probation Violations" in the subject line so we know to get this to the right person.

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